Sarah Foil

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Why I'm Not Writing This Week 7/9

Welcome to the Why I’m Not Writing This Week series!

If you’re not familiar with this series, just know that the only thing writers love more than writing is avoiding writing. And I am definitely no exception. Today, I’ll list five things that distracted me from my writing this week.

I encourage you to share with me your reasons for not writing every week too and I’ll share my favorites in the latest edition.

Happy Birthday, Arthur!

My baby turned a whole year old on Tuesday. We had such a fun week celebrating him and it’s just so hard to believe he’s no longer a baby. He’s full of so much energy and excitement that it can be hard to keep up with him. But I’m still can’t wait to watch him grow.

Happy 4th of July

I hope you and your family had a great Independence Day celebration. We took it easy after all the birthday festivities the day before, and just spend the afternoon enjoy quality time with our close friends. Happy Birthday, America!

Going To The Zoo

On my husband’s day off this week, we took a trip to the North Carolina Zoo with some family to extend Arthur’s birthday extravaganza. It was a hot day and the zoo was more crowded than we expected for a weekday, but we still had a great time. We also learned that Arthur LOVES giraffes.

Working Out

I’ve been trying to eat a bit healthier and work out lately. I’m not big into exercise and don’t particularly enjoy it. But I’ve been having a lot of fun with OpenFit. They have live classes, on demand videos, and challenges, which I’ve been enjoying the most. I’m on week 3 of a 4 week HIT program.

Enjoying The Summer

No, I haven’t made much progress on my novel lately, but I’ve also been enjoying the season. After being inside for so long, it’s been great to get out with my family and enjoy ourselves. We also had a number of celebrations in June/July so I’ve been focusing my time on those events instead. Fingers crossed that edits wrap up this month. :)

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